Business Yoga

Business Yoga / Meditation / Thai Yoga Bodywork

business yoga is for everyone at any age, it has an extremely positive effect on the psyche. stress that arises from high workloads will be reduced. my concept ensures physical and mental balance.

the business yoga also includes the prevention of typical office diseases like back problems or get current problems under control. the integration in your work schedule is induvidually to discuss.

meditation: relaxing, recovery and reenergizing.
my Business meditation concept will reduce stress without getting physical. the guided meditations will help to get your focus back. Ideal during your lunch break oder before important meetings.

you want both stretching and relaxing without exercise? do you know thai yoga bodywork? it’s an ancient sacred energy line work with a gentle and passive stretching. it provides amazing results to reduce stress. it is performed on a mat in comfortable clothing.

either you want a class before, during or after work. we find the perfect solution for your company.

for more detailed information, please reach out namaste(at)

The price is the process
~ Baron Babtiste