what do yoga and sailing have in common?

yoga and sailing: a surprising and wonderful connection

at first glance, yoga and sailing might seem worlds apart—one practiced on a mat, the other on the open water. but if you take a closer look, you’ll find that these two activities share a deep connection. both require mindfulness, balance and a strong relationship with nature. whether you’re holding a yoga pose or adjusting the sails, the principles remain remarkably similar. let’s dig deeper

mindfulness: being present in the moment

one of the key benefits of yoga and sailing is the way they cultivate mindfulness. in yoga, you focus on your breath, body movements, and mental stillness. Sailing demands a similar level of awareness—reading the wind, adjusting the sails, and responding to changing conditions. Both require you to be fully present in the moment, fostering a meditative state that calms the mind.

balance: on the mat and on the boat

yoga enhances both physical and mental balance, training the body to stay steady even in challenging positions. patanjali refers to this in the sutra 2.46 – “sthira-sukham asanam”. this sentence can be translated as “postures should be stable and comfortable”, and it is also often reworded as the balance between “effort” and “ease.” sthira refers to stability, intent, and strength.
the same principle applies to sailing. whether you’re moving across a shifting deck or keeping the boat stable in changing conditions, balance is key. the ocean, like life, is unpredictable—you must stay grounded and adjust with ease.

harmony with nature

yoga encourages a deep connection with yourself and nature, whether practiced outdoors or by simply tuning in to your breath, which mirrors the natural rhythms of life. sailing takes this relationship a step further, relying on wind and water as partners rather than obstacles. to sail effectively, you must respect and understand these elements, working with them rather than against them—just as in yoga, where you work with your body rather than forcing it.

we don’t use the body to get into a pose. 
we use the pose to get into the body
~ bernie clark

the calm within the chaos

both yoga and sailing have a way of calming the mind. yoga’s slow, intentional movements and deep breathing bring a sense of peace. likewise, the gentle rocking of a sailboat and the rhythmic sound of waves can be deeply soothing. even in challenging conditions, experienced yogis and sailors learn to remain calm, adapting gracefully rather than resisting.

we cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails 
~ dolly parton

flexibility and adaptability

in yoga, flexibility isn’t just about stretching—it’s about being adaptable, both physically and mentally. the same goes for sailing. weather can change in an instant, and a good sailor must adjust quickly, shifting strategies just as a yogi modifies a pose when needed. the more flexible you are—on the mat or on the water—the smoother the journey.

connection: with yourself, others, and the world around you

while yoga is often practiced alone, group sessions require synchronization and shared energy. sailing, too, is sometimes a solo endeavor but often a team effort, where communication and cooperation are essential. both experiences create a sense of connection—whether it’s with yourself, your crew, or the natural world around you.

final thoughts: different paths, same destination

yoga and sailing may take place in different settings, but their underlying lessons are remarkably similar. both teach patience, resilience, and the importance of going with the flow—whether it’s the flow of breath or the flow of the wind. they remind us to stay present, to adapt and to embrace the beauty of the journey.

so whether you’re unrolling your yoga mat or setting sail into the horizon, remember: the destination isn’t what matters most—it’s how you move through the experience, one breath, one wave at a time.

have you ever experienced the connection between yoga and sailing? share your thoughts in the comments below!

join me on my next adventure:

the yoga and sailing experience in corsica from 06th – 13th September 2025 and 13th – 20th September 2025 one week sailing along corsicas north west coast more infos click here

thai massage

deep relaxation and inner peace with thai massage

escape to a world of tranquility and rejuvenation.
with its origins rooted in ancient healing traditions, thai massage has become renowned worldwide for its holistic approach to wellness. drawing on elements of acupressure, yoga, and meditation, this therapeutic art form offers a pathway to physical and mental harmony.

what is thai massage?

this form of therapie has been practiced in thailand for thousands of years.
it is known as nuad thai or nuad bo-rarn and dates back over 2.500 years. Its origins can be traced back to the time of Gautama Buddha, where it is believed to have been developed by his physician dr. Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha also known as dr. shivago komarpahj.
influenced by indian ayurvedic medicine and traditional chinese medicine, thai massage or thai yoga massage combines compression, acupressure and passive stretching. the movements increase the range of motion in the joints and muscles. it can improve your posture and helps with back pain.

benefits of thai massage

thai Massage offers a multitude of benefits for both the body and mind. physically, it promotes increased flexibility, joint mobility, and improved posture. The stretching and compressions help release muscular tension, reduce pain, and enhance circulation. by working with the body’s energy lines, thai massage also supports the body’s natural healing mechanisms and boosts the immune system. additionally, the meditative and mindful aspects of the massage induce a state of deep relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote mental clarity.

principals and techniques

thai massage works with the concept of energy lines in our body, the so called sen-lines (known as nadis or meridians in other traditions), the pathways through which life energy, known as prana, flows
By applying rhythmic pressure along these energy lines, we seeks to remove blockages, restore balance, and stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities.
thai massage incorporates a variety of techniques, including pressure, stretching, joint mobilization, and assisted yoga-like postures. The massage is typically performed on a mat, with the recipient wearing comfortable clothing.

mindfullness, meditation and connection

thai massage transcends the physical realm and fosters a deep connection between the giver and the receiver. the practitioner employs a compassionate touch, guided by intuition and an awareness of the recipient’s needs. both giver and receiver engage in a state of mindfulness, being fully present in the moment. this shared mindfulness creates a sacred space for healing, allowing for a profound release of physical and emotional blockages. the unity between body, mind, and spirit.

cultural heritage

thai massage is deeply rooted in thai culture and spirituality. it is considered not only a therapeutic practice but also a sacred art form. in thailand, it is often passed down through generations within families or taught in temples as a way to preserve the ancient tradition. embracing thai massage means embracing a rich cultural heritage that promotes holistic well-being and fosters a sense of interconnectedness.


thai massage offers a path to holistic wellness, where the body, mind, and spirit unite in a dance of healing and rejuvenation. through its unique blend of yoga-like stretches, rhythmic compressions, and mindful touch, thai massage guides us on a journey of deep relaxation, alignment, and self-discovery. whether you seek physical relief, a mental escape, or a transformative experience, thai massage provides a sanctuary of blissful connection and well-being. surrender yourself to my healing hands and allow the ancient wisdom of thai massage to unfold its transformative magic.

who can recieve the massage?

while thai massage is generally safe and suitable for most individuals, there are a few precautions to keep in mind. people with certain medical conditions, such as cardiovascular issues or fractures, should consult a healthcare professional before receiving a massage. additionally, it’s important to ensure that you seek the services of a trained and licensed practitioner to ensure a safe and effective experience.

Yin Yoga & The Chakra System

Yin Yoga was developed by focusing on the energy lines (so called Meridians) of Traditional Chinese Medicine. But it’s always nice to have another point of view.
The angle we are looking at has its base in yogic tradition. The Chakra System.
Chakra can be translated as wheel or circle which keeps the energy in your body flowing.

Or imagine a roundabout in a big city.

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Energy has different names in different traditions. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it’s called Qi (Chi) . In Yoga Philosophy we call it Prana.

In the perfect world everything is balanced, Prana is flowing through your body to give life force and clarity. Prana would nourish every cell in your body and you would feel perfectly aligned and at ease. Perfect world.

Now imagine the big roundabout around the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. At rush hour. 12 Avenues coming together. Well, let’s say every now and then this gets out of control.
And this is something that happens all the time in your body. Influenced by the outside world which is not always sunshine and butterflies. Influenced by what we take in. On all levels of senses.

One day something unexpected happens which will bring you out of balance. Physically, mentally or emotionally all layers of your body can be affected. Energy stucks or runs too fast.

By practicing Yoga we want the energy to flow. At the right speed. We want the energy to run from the very root to the very crown in our body. It’s said that we have a main channel or energy line (Sushumna) and two lines wrapped around Sushmna.
The Energy lines are called Nadis in Yoga Philosophy. And the two around the main Nadi are called Ida and Pingala. There is a whole story about these two, but this is another chapter.
On this main channel – Sushumna – are the main chakras located.

Fun fact: there are these 3 famous Nadis and the 7 famous Chakras but there are thousands more…Imagine, like France with it’s 20.000 to 65.0000 roundabouts (no one is really sure about the amount)

The three Nadis reach from the Root Chakra (Muladhara) to the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara). They are passing the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana), the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura), the Heart Chakra (Anahata), the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) and the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna). Every one of them is passing the energy through. From one to the other. From bottom to top.

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If you are on the highway wanting to go from one place to the other, knowing you have to pass seven roundabouts, what do you think will happen? Well, hopefully nothing and you reach your destination without complication. But probably you will find others on the way. A bike that slows you down. A truck which can’t pass the roundabout and causes a traffic jam. Or maybe no one on the streets, which makes you go faster than allowed and will send a picture of you driving home.

By practicing Yoga we are cutting these obstacles out. We create secured highways, where no bicycles are allowed, the roundabouts are big enough for trucks and the car you’re driving is not letting you go too fast.

Now that sounds easy. But going or growing from root to crown takes time. And in this time so many things can happen. You might get a good foundation but years later they don’t have enough asphalt to build what’s necessary. There begins the Chakra Healing.

Btw this insight is an insight and does not claim to be complete. As I write this text more and more appears in my mind and I want to explain more about the Chakras. Actually I already did more than my intention was. So I stop here, but feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or if you don’t understand my metaphors. 😉

Coming back to my intention and the beginning of the text. I want to focus the next online Yin Yoga classes on the Chakra System. In the seventh class we practiced Yoga Nidra. The Yogic Sleep. A Meditation practiced in Savasana.

Hope to see you on the mat.

Lots of love and light, Andrea